It's been so long. I've been so busy with the shop and all my lovely new clients. I can't thank you all enough for how successful the shop has turned out because of all of you. So thank you.
And another way of saying thank you to all the followers we have not only here on the blog, Facebook, and pinterest, We are hosting our first giveaway! A few months back I said that if we reached 500 followers on Pinterest I would do a Pin It to Win It Giveaway. With a box full of mine and Ashley's favorite things. Later next week I will let you all know what those favorite things are! You won't want to miss it.
Above is one of the many pictures I took on our family vacation in October to Kona, Hawaii. So pretty! And the weather was fab!! If I could retire anywhere, Hawaii would be it! But they don't have a Michael's! And that's just a must! ;)
On other news. Some of you may be wondering what I've been up to craft wise. Well, let me show you whats in the works and completed.
I've been so lazy about showing you guys my newly renovated pantry!! A few months ago it was completed. Well Almost. I still need to make a few labels in vinyl for some jars! But Above is a picture that kind of shows you what I was going for. Vintage pieces to store things and keep it nice and organized. You all should see the before picture. It's kind of embarrassing, but it is what is was.. I will be posting that very soon hopefully.
The next picture is some nursery artwork I made for my cousin that is having her first baby! I found the frame at a thrift store with glass for 10.00. It's quite large. She is very big on green and repurpose so I knew it would be a great way to make something old into new. I painted the frame white and took a black sharpie and made a thick black boarder on the mat it came with. Then I designed the trumpet in Illustrator and cut out a pattern to trace on some scrap wood. I used a jigsaw to cut the trumpet out and then stained it. Then added some great typography crafting skills to complete the poem. One of the cutest things I have made. And she loved it!! ;)
I have been so busy guys!! Crafting my little heart out! but I love it. I sold AB's Lemonade stand that I had made for her first birthday online to a photographer who wanted it as a prop. She loved it so much that she asked if I could do another prop for her. She wanted a Huckleberry Finn Raft done for a shoot she has been wanting to do. So I made one for her along with 2 sails. A girl one and a boy one. The girl one is my favorite one! I made custom flowers for it and I adore LACE!

Well, That is what I have been up to. along with all the things I have been making for my business. If you want to check out more on those projects just click on over to the Facebook page! I update that as soon as a new product is listed. You can find that here.
And check back next week for the giveaway! So excited for that!
Until next time Keep creating, living, and obsessing!