
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ashley---healthy obsessed

A few weeks back Sarah announced that I would be co-blogging with her. It has taken me sometime to actually sit down and write a blog, but don't worry it won't always be like this.

As the title of the blog states...I'm healthy obsessed. From eating healthy to going to the gym. I'm all about it (on most days anyways...there are 7 days in a month that I'd rather lay and bed and eat chocolate...). Over the past 3 years I've become familiar with eating healthy and working out. I'll post more on my journey in a future blog. I've learned a lot in the 3 years and have a ways to go still, but the one thing I can tell you I've learned is that you have to be able to live life while still being healthy. "Diet" isn't a term I use. I didn't embark on a diet...I embarked on a life changing lifestyle. 

My blog post will mostly be about recipes I've come up with along the way, tips and tricks, gym workouts, and other fun tid-bits...but don't expect any crafty stuff out of me. I flunked out of art class in Kindergarten, that's why it is so awesome to have Sarah as a best friend and also as a co-blogger; you can learn how to do proper jumping jacks as well as how to make a fun tree skirt at Christmas...sounds like a winning blog to me!

Check back on Wednesday when I post pictures of everything I've ate that day. And a delicious recipe that will make you think twice about all healthy food being boring.

Look forward to many more blogs and helping anyone out with questions about healthy lifestyles!

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